


2.1.1 Average enrolment Percentage (Average of last five years) (20)
Year – 1 (2015-16)
Programme name Programme Code Number of seats sanctioned Number of Students admitted
B.Tech (CE) 5 63 63 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech (CSE) 6 63 63 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech(ECE) 9 126 36 (6 TFWS)
B.Tech(EE) 7 63 27 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech(EEE) 10 63 14 (1 TFWS)
B.Tech (IT)) 12 63 61 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech (ME) 13 126 79 (6 TFWS)
Year – 2 (2016-17)
Programme name Programme Code Number of seats sanctioned Number of Students  admitted
B.Tech (CE) 5 63 47 (3 TFWS)+ 1 AICTE
B.Tech (CSE) 6 63 62 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech(ECE) 9 126 35 (6 TFWS)
B.Tech(EE) 7 63 17 (2 TFWS)+1 AICTE
B.Tech(EEE) 10 63 8  (2 TFWS)
B.Tech (IT)) 12 63 42 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech (ME) 13 126 64 (5 TFWS)
Year – 3 (2017-18)
Programme name Programme Code Number of seats sanctioned Number of Students  admitted
B.Tech (CE) 5 63 34  (2 TFWS) + 3 D to D
B.Tech (CSE) 6 63 60 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech(ECE) 9 126 23 (6 TFWS)
B.Tech(EE) 7 63 11 (2 TFWS)
B.Tech(EEE) 10 63 5 (1 TFWS)
B.Tech (IT)) 12 63 22 (2 TFWS) + 1 D to D
B.Tech (ME) 13 126 21 (6 TFWS)
Year – 4 (2018-19)
Programme name Programme Code Number of seats sanctioned Number of Students  admitted
B.Tech (CE) 5 63 20  (3 TFWS)
B.Tech (CSE) 6 126 97 (5 TFWS) + 7 D to D
B.Tech(ECE) 9 63 9
B.Tech(EE) 7 63 7
B.Tech(EEE) 10 63 2
B.Tech (ME) 13 63 17
Year – 5 (2019-20)
Programme name Programme Code Number of seats sanctioned Number of Students  admitted
B.Tech (CE) 05 51 8
B.Tech (CSE) 06 84 84 (4 TFWS)
B.Tech(ECE) 9 63 18 (3 TFWS)
B.Tech (ME) 13 63 12